Update :
"No deserving child should be deprived of the opportunity to have a home and education" This is the origin of NAMS Snehasadan, the House of Love, which takes care of destitute and orphan boys. Almost every day one or two meals used to be provided to NAMS Snehasadan by well wishers. Naturally, with COVID and the lockdowns, that was not possible, and the Institution was facing the pinch. The good news? We had enough offers from people to be ‘Swiggy Delivery Boys’ for this lovable destination and need. Our donation gave them succour for the next month.
This particular project is over : Funding: Rs 12,000/-.

Original Post :
"No deserving child should be deprived of the opportunity to have a home and education" This is the origin of NAMS Snehasadan, the House of Love, which takes care of destitute and orphan boys. Those boys are admitted irrespective of caste, creed or religion and are provided with all amenities. Residing in the hostel, are sent to local schools for education. Back home, they have enough space and time to play and do chores. In all these, they are encouraged to think and act for themselves, and to have their own direction and purpose in life. The caring and affectionalte team at Snehasadan hears the cries of these children and transforms it into a concrete objective: wholesome and holistic education that produces happy, contented young men. The loneliness and misery of poverty in their own homes is discarded when they are given an atmosphere of love and care by the authorities. They do not feel a sense of abandonment, instead it is a joyful atmosphere that is palpably visible in all their dealings. To keep them company - and so they do not lose touch with the family feelings - there are also a group of abandoned elders on the campus as part of the old-age home. Flanked by nature and located away from the bustle of the city, both groups reside in harmony and peace, as one family.
So then,what is the problem? Food. Situated in the Jalahalli area of Bengaluru, this institution set up in 1994, and run by the MOSC, usually houses about 40-50 children and about 10 destitute adult men and women. In normal times before COVID arrived, it was common to see individuals, families or institutions coming there to provide lunch and/or dinner to the residents on almost every day of the month. However, with COVID 19 on the prowl, the daily gifts of food from well-wishers have stopped, and this has put a financial strain on the institution. Several of the boys had gone to their homes, but a small group of students, staff and elderly remained on the campus.They have managed on financial reserves for the last 2 months, and hopefully with the lifting of the lockdown the visitors with gifts of food will begin again- meanwhile there is a shortage and they would appreciate a supply of food rations to tide them over for this next month.
Donation Requirement: Rs. 14,000/- only for this month.
However if you wish to donate some money every month, please contact them directly at http://namssnehasadan.blogspot.com/
