Update :
Sr Mary Vyakula has been working among 50+ families - with 215 members - in Sarada Basti in Guntur, AP. We decided to support her work. Money has been transferred and we await the report of the manner in which she distributed it.
This particular project is over : Funding: 50 families@Rs 800/- for dry rations: Rs 40,000/-.
Original Post :
Sister Jenastus our scout in Hyderabad has requested us to support the work of Sr Mary Vyakula among 50+ families - 215 members - in Sarada Basti in Guntur, AP, where people are in need of basic food. Sr Mary has already managed to supply rations to about 450 families- there are still more yet to be helped and they are in desperate need. Most men are auto rikshwa drivers and daily labourers in construction and without jobs for the past 3 months they are desperate. According to her, they are migrant workers from other states who originally came in search of work, came to this urban area and settled here. They occupied government assigned- lands near Pichukalagunta, which was previously low water drainage area. They belong to the SC and BC, and are depressed socially, economically, psychologically and physically. The present Covid 19 virus has made them helpless-they need essential dry rations to survive-and it is an emergency.
The Sisters of St Anne Phirangipuram are serving in Andhra Pradesh since 1986, and in the Guntur district. This order especially works among dalits, tribals, and other marginalised groups- eg., vulnerable women and children, HIV + people, the otherwise-abled, and orphans- all for their empowerment. Sister Vyakula Mary our heroine belongs to this congregation and is single-handedly emulating the work of Mother Teresa. She is the Town Coordinator for the Domestic Workers' Federation of Andhra Pradesh. She knows each and every one of the 700 members of the registered Trade Union there. From 2016 onwards these Sisters are working in collaboration with the Montfort Social Institute [MSI]. Sr Mary is known for her wonderful and caring work among the poor and needy.
Donation Requirement: Rs. 40,000/-
[50 families get dry ration kits worth Rs 800/- =Rs 40,000/-]
