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SCOUT: Leena : PLACE: Hyderabad, Telangana

Manju is 35 years old and a lost her husband to cancer. She has 2 children in local government school- the elder is 15 and the younger daughter is 10. Manju makes a living by working in people’s houses as a maid in Hyderabad city, earning a paltry amount- but she was managing her life and funds. Now she has a medical issue, she has had to leave her jobs and go to her native villagen Kalburgi, Karnataka, where she is subsequently hospitalised. She has low WBC and Haemoglobin count, and hence has swelling in her limbs and her face. Her children have withdrawn from their schools for the moment. She needs some money for treatment- would you help?

Donation Required: Rs 10,000/-






Registered Office Address

Zion Building, No. 29-30,

Kudlu-Parapanna Agrahara Main Road,

Vasthu Layout, Kudlu

Bengaluru- 560068. Karnataka

The Untouchables

Charitable Trust Registration No :

BMH-4-00345-2019-20 (CD-No. BMHD976)

Registered in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Date of Formation : 19th August, 2019

PAN Card Number : AADTT6723G

Money Transfer/ Cheques :

Account Name: The Untouchables

Bank Name : Axis Bank

Branch: Kempapura, Bengaluru

Current A/C No : 919020076292263

IFS Code : UTIB0003310

Tax Exemption under 80G:

All TU Donations are eligible for deduction U/s 80G(5)(i) of Income tax Act from Accounting Year 2022-23 to 2026-27 vide IT order dt. 05-04-2022.

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