Name: M.Krishna Moorthy:
Need: Rs 7000/-
Scout: Jenastus
Location: 23/127, Ezhil Nagar, Thuraipakkam, Chennai
Krishna Moorthy [40] and his wife Gomathi are a disabled couple who blessed with six year old boy baby who is studying UKG. He has a passion towards Para -Weightlifting. He is the winner in the State level and National Level. He wants go higher to be an International Champion. He had taken a room to practice this; he has to buy some items to practice this.

Items he needs to practice had given below:
Resistance bands: 700
Double hand grip: 600
Wrist bands: 500
1kg Dumbell: 500
2kg Shotput: 700
4kg Shotput: 1000
Muscletech Creatine powder: 950
Pullup & Dip belt: 950
Weight Training belt: 950
Total : 6850/-
