Date :9/10/2021
Place :Manipur and Assam
Focus Group :Transgender Women
No. of beneficaries : 3 women: Santha and Jaslen and a third unidentified trans identified by Sr Prema
Amount Dispensed:Rs.45,000/-
Co-ordinator / Scout :Organisation: LGBTI Organisations : Scout: T.Ninan Santha’s house is in low lying area of Manipur, and inundated during rains. Jashlens mother was being harassed because she chose to come out of male gender and declared herself as a transwoman. The landlord was insisting they leave his premises. Mother and daughter have moved into the the new room. One more room will be built. The Untouchables - with its commitment to equal status to gender and sexual minorities - would like to salute these brave woman and help them live their lives with dignity.
SCOUT : Gurusamy PLACE: Bangalore
The Untouchables - with its commitment to equal status to the sexual minorities - would like to salute these brave woman and help them live their lives with dignity.
SCOUT: T.Ninan PLACE: Manipur & Assam

1. Santa is a fiery transwoman from Manipur. She was always a pillar for our work among the hidden members of the TG’s in the North East, especially during the COVID interventions. She has been tricked many times by her own community in the course of her work-but she is true to her spine. NCCI says “We reached out to more than 500 transpeople in her region during this COVID time, she went around procuring stuff and distributing to them....not a penny she asked from us-.she is someone full of zeal”. And now she wants to re-do her house. It is leaking and her kitchen is not usable -she has sent us photographs. She has collected money and needs some more. The Honorary Secretary of TU has personally known her boldness and speaking out for her brothers and sisters in hostile audiences. He has met her personally during his work with the LGBTI communities and found her to be a true champion of her people.
Donation Required: Rs 15,000/- [actual requirement: Rs 70,000/-: Please specify SANTA in your donation]
2. Jaslen ‘Rinki’ Kashyap is a trans-woman who hails from Chahbua, Dibrugar Dist, Assam. She has been earning her livelihood as chef but the past one year she has no job due to lockdown. Her mother who is 50 years old, she lost her father when she was small. Her younger brother is a drunkard and does not take care of the family. Jaslen's dream was to purchase land and make a house. She worked hard and bought the land and started building a hut with bamboo and tin sheets with the help of friends. Three rooms will require again cement, sand and stone chips for flooring. 25 bags of cement which is about 13,000/ and Sand for Rs 12,000/- (3 mini trucks) and Stone chips Rs. 17,000/- and the cost of construction is 15,000/- . They are using cement for flooring as the land is water logged during the rainy season. As they are poor they have no money for land filling. Besides, they have not made a kitchen and latrine too. She says that we will manage the latrine using some jute bags around it.
Donation Required: Rs 15,000/- [actual requirement: Rs 57,000/-: Please specify JASLEN in your donation]