
Financial Donations
A donation can be of a minimum of Rs.500/- and above. It can be in cash / cheque / bank transfer or even card payment [by a swiping machine,if you are in Bengaluru]. We ensure it is according to the RBI rules prevailing.
Donations: Your Donation can be towards our Charitable Causes or towards our Administrative Expenses [keeping in mind our desire not to take a single paisa towards our Administrative expenses from Donations specifically towards Charity].
Your skills could be used if you volunteer to assist our team. There will be occasions in the future as our work expands when soft skills and some hard skills will be taught to the underprivileged to enable them to build or enhance their capacity. You may volunteer for this and inform us what your skills sets are, and your area of interest, so we can find the right slot for you.
You can join in the monthly meetings of the Volunteers – this can also be on Skype or by teleconferencing . You may let us have your suggestions for improving or streamlining our work. You may volunteer to help us to authenticate a request by a scout in your area or region. Since we do not have branches [yet], it would be of great use to us on the larger geographical area to have those who can physically verify some requests.