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Nutrition for Primary School children - Kempapura - Bangalore

Date : 14/03/2021

Place : Government School, Kempapura, Bangalore

Focus Group : Nutrition for Primary School children below class 6

No. of beneficaries : 200 kids

Amount Dispensed : Rs. 3,360/-

Co-ordinator / Scout : Organisation: TU Government schools do give a mid day meal- but only to those above a certain class, hence TU sought to give them some nutrition. It began during a break in Covid lockdown and the schools restarted, and was meant to be a regular weekly donation of a fruit of the season- in this case it was oranges. However the lockdown started again and the project has been put on hold. This is a win-win project as the teachers assist in getting the small children their share of nutrition. There has been much interest in this project and for the moment the funding is sufficient.


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