Update : This project is over. Funding Received.
Ever since her husband passed away in an accident last year, Mamatha has nurtured a dream that saw her through those depressing days- to be self-reliant. The MSI Charity located her and told us of her dream. We have supported her and sent her Rs 5000/- in order to buy a cart which is the first step towards fulfilling her dream. COVID has put her dream on hold- but she is cheerful and hopeful that she will overcome!
The Untouchables has confirmed Punyavathy's ability to sew and provided her with an electric sewing machine costing Rs 8000/-. We await news on her new venture as she waits out COVID lockdown.
Original Post :
Heroine A: P. Mamatha is a domestic worker, working in Dairy Farm, OU Camp, in Hyderabad
Her husband and brother-in-law had met with an accident and passed away in month of July 2019, she has two children. They are studying in 6th and 7thstandard.
After the sudden death of her husband she became depressed and not able to go for work and take care of her children. There is nobody to support from her husband’s side, she is unable to provide good education and nutritious food to her children.
She requesting us to give education support and she is ready to do partime business also.
1. Education and support for the boys ₹ 3,000
2. Seed money for helping her buy a push cart to make a living ₹5,000
Organising Partner: MSI, Hyderabad
Photo: Mamatha with her 2 boys.
Heroine B: G. Punyavathy is a domestic worker. She has only one son.
Her husband passed away when the boy was one year old. She is working hard and encouraging her son to study. Now he is doing B.com Computer first year and doing well in studies.
Ideally she would like to augment her income by some Income Generative business.
She needs financial support as initial capital to start a
small business approximately ₹5000-7000.
Organising Partner: MSI, Hyderabad
Photo: Punyavathy with her son.